
DOJO LIST (Japanese)

Head Office of the World

名誉海外統括委員長 / Honorary Head of ZENDOKAI International
真殿克彦 / Katsuhiko Madono

Katsuhiko Madono

海外統括 委員長 / The Head of ZENDOKAI International
宗宮 保 / Tamostu Somiya

Tamostu Somiya

生年月日 / D.O.B.
昭和49年(1974年)6月18日 / June 18, 1974
出身地 / Birth Place
埼玉県 / Saitama, JAPAN
禅道会略歴 / Biography in ZENDO-KAI
  • RF空手協会 特別運営顧問 / RF Karate Association Special Management Advisor
  • 空手道禅道会 名誉三段位(師範代) / 2020 Karatedo Zen Dokai, 3rd DAN (SHIHAN-DAI)


Entered into ZENDO-KAI in 2005.
Practiced Martial Arts Karate by receiving lecture from President Mr. Ozawa directly.
He participated in various local matches and all-Japan RF tournament. He made good showing in many tournaments and matches.
He received full recognition for overseas achievement and he was promoted to the Head of ZENDO-KAI International in 2020 by President Mr. Ozawa.

略歴 / Biography
昭和ゴム㈱ 取締役(2012年~) / Showa Rubber Co., Ltd. Director (2012-)
青島昭明商貿有限公司/Qingdao Zhaoming Trading Co.,Ltd
明日香食品株式会社 品質管理部長(2016年~) / Asuka Food Co., Ltd. Quality Control Manager (2016-)
Showa Rubber(Thailand)Co.,LTD Managing Director(2018年~) / Showa Rubber(Thailand)Co.,LTD Managing Director(2018-)
Showa Rubeer(Malaysia)Sdn,Bhd Managing Director(2018年~) / Showa Rubber(Malaysia)Sdn,Bhd Managing Director(2018-)
PT Showa Rubber Indonesia Managing Director(2018年~) / PT Showa Rubber Indonesia Managing Director(2018-)
メッセージ / Message


Martial Arts is required to identify the facts and take appropriate action timely in order to win and it can also suit to our daily life and workplace.
To live better and safety, it’s very important to act and plan based on the facts.

In order to recognize the facts of the present and carry out better actions, the power and habits of “concentrate on it in now” from Zen is helping a lot.

The ZENDO-KAI Karate lesson, which was created by Mr. Ozawa is known as DOWZEN which is “Moving ZEN” is easy way to get Zen status.
It is not only limited into Martial Arts and/or Bujyutsu but it is a way to cultivate the ability to live in various life situations, makes strengthen of concentration on the present, and encourage physical and mental health through correct posture and breathing.


I had received lecture from President Mr. Ozawa directly and through the practice of the ZENDO-KAI Karate, I was able to make Moving Zen a habit without difficulty.
I have to accept this concentrated force become my power of living when I required to make appropriate judgments and actions to minimize disturbed mind in competitive business situations.

In order to appoint the Head of ZENDOKAI International, I contribute to many people around earn a fulfilling life, solve individual problems, become more like human, and have individual happiness through the ZENDO-KAI Karate which was sublimated as Japanese culture.

海外統括 副委員長 / The Vice Head of ZENDOKAI International
吉田昌弘 / Masahiro Yoshida

Masahiro Yoshida

Tiger Tourist Co.,Ltd. ゼネラルマネージャー / Tiger Tourist Co.,Ltd. General Manager
Bear Bus Co., Ltd. シニアアドバイザー / Bear Bus Co., Ltd. Senior Advisor
Nippon Career Consultant 取締役 / Nippon Career Consultant Director
タイ日旅行協会(TJTA) 事務局長 / Executive Director, Thailand-Japan Travel Association (TJTA)

  • 空手道禅道会 名誉二段位 / 2020 Karatedo Zen Dokai, 2nd DAN
略歴 / Biography

持ち前の語学力を活かし、タイ王国観光業の発展の為、タイ日旅行協会 事務局長も兼任。

He was born in Bangkok in September 16, 1983. After graduating from university, he worked for two manufacturing industries in Japan and returned to Bangkok in 2008.
He had chance to come in contact with the ZENDO-KAI Thai branch from 2019 and as a Japanese who born and raised abroad, he gradually feels that it is unavoidable to overlook it even though there is a culture in Japan that overseas people think is very wonderful, then in order to spread this Martial Arts to the world, he decided to participate in the ZENDO-KAI International.
By taking advantage of language skills, he is also serves as Secretary General of the Thailand-Japan Travel Association for the development of the Thai tourism industry.

海外統括 副委員長 / The Vice Head of ZENDOKAI International
松沼慶亮 / Keisuke Matsunuma

Keisuke Matsunuma

East Asia

Taiwan Web site: 禪道會空手道 台灣支部

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Taiwan Branch

403 Taichung, Taiwan台中市西區中美街624號

Representative of Taiwan
Mr.Florian Garel [facebook]
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Taiwan - Mr.Florian Garel

The Kingdom of Thailand Web site: https://zendokaithailand.com

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Thailand Branch
Thonglor Headquarters Dojo

283/2 HomePlace B1 floor,Thonglor soi 13,sukumvit 55,Khwaeng Khlong Tan Nuea,Khet Watthana,Bangkok

Representative of Thailand
Yuki Aoki (青木 優樹)
International Honorary Dan : Karatedo Zen Dokai (SHIHAN-DAI) 禅道会総本部師範代
Representative of Thailand

  • Won All Japan championship many times

South Asia

Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Nepal Branch Representative of Nepal
Mr.Nabin Acharya
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Nepal

Middle East

Islamic Republic of Iran

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Iran Branch Representative of Iran
Mr.Mahmoud Valimorad
International Honorary Dan : 6th DAN
Mr.Mahmoud Valimorad

KazakhstanWeb site: https://www.facebook.com/karatedo.syotokanryu

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Kazakhstan Branch Representative of Kazakhstan
Mr. Askar Yelyubayev
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Kazakhstan

EgyptWeb site: https://www.instagram.com/combat_khv/

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Egypt Branch Representative of Egypt
Mr.Ishchenko Denis Olegovich
International Honorary Dan : 1st DAN


French Republic

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
France Branch Representative of France
Mr.Andrian Loutchanski
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN

Italian Republic

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Italy Branch Representative of Italy
Mr.Toselli Andrea
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Italy

LuxembourgWeb site: https://www.facebook.com/ZendokaiLuxembourg/

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Luxembourg Branch Representative of Luxembourg
Mr. Olivier Gandecka
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Luxembourg


Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Ukraine Branch Representative of Ukraine
Mr.Igor Yukalchuk
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Ukraine

Republic of Latvia

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Latvia Branch Representative of Latvia
Mr.Vasily Lebedev
International Honorary Dan : 3th DAN
representative of Latvia

Russian Federation

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Russian Branch Representative of Russia
Mr.Kolodiazhnyi Vitalii (Виталий Колодяжный)
International Honorary Dan : 5th DAN
representative of ROSSIA


Kingdom of Belgium Republic

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Belgium Branch Representative of Belgium
Mr. Thomas MELENS
International Honorary Dan : 1st DAN

Spain Republic

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Spain Branch Representative of Spain
Mr. José Carlos Nougues Fernandez[Instagram]

International Honorary Dan : 1st DAN

South America

BrazilWeb site: https://www.facebook.com/musashi.miyamoto.73932646

Branch / dojo name Address / Representative
Brazil Branch Representative of Brazil
Mr. Fabio Rosa Dos Santos
International Honorary Dan : 4th DAN
representative of Brazil